Family Planning

Many people dream of having families – usually in a specific time frame. Couples often prefer to plan the timing of their children’s births around work, finances, careers, education and life goals. Some want several children, whereas others may want none. Regardless of how many children you want and when you want them, Sunshine State can be your partner in achieving your reproductive goals at every stage of life.
Did you know…
the average woman in America wants only two children? And in the U.S., the average woman chooses to have her first child between 25 and 26 years old? Of course, those are mere statistics and many women decide to begin having children in their early 20s, 30s, or even 40s. But regardless of when an average, healthy female decides to have her children, she’ll spend approximately 30 years using contraceptives or other methods of family planning in order to achieve her goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the right time to seek family planning advice?
In the present times, young adolescents are increasingly engaging in relationships and physical intimacy. Therefore, it is imperative for both men and women to seek family planning advice before embarking on a physical relationship. By doing so, individuals can take proactive measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This responsible approach towards family planning can greatly contribute to the sexual health and well-being of young individuals, helping them make informed decisions and avoid potential negative consequences.
What should I expect during my appointment for family planning?
At your family planning appointment, the healthcare provider will review your medical history and discuss your short-term and long-term reproductive goals with you. A physical examination may be performed, which might involve a pelvic exam to examine your reproductive organs. Your doctor will inquire about the specifics of your menstrual cycle and the frequency of sexual intercourse. Based on that information, your doctor will provide recommendations for the various contraceptive options available for you to choose from, including treatment if applicable.
What are the various options that I can consider to achieve my reproductive goals?
Women and couples with specific reproductive goals have access to a range of family planning resources. Examples include oral contraceptives, emergency contraception, injectable hormonal contraceptive, Rod or implant, barrier contraception like condoms, sponges, diaphragm, etc, intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) and permanent birth control methods.